Black Soot on Spark Plugs

Black Soot on Spark Plugs

Black soot or carbon buildup on spark plugs can be a concerning sign of improper engine combustion. Improper combustion brings down the general performance of your car and is best resolved right away.   Here’s how you can tell there might be some soot on the spark plugs without even opening up the engine bonnet. Let’s…

Black Soot from Exhaust Causes & Solutions

Black Soot from Exhaust | Causes & Solutions

When you see black soot coming from exhaust you shouldn’t start panicking as this is a very normal phenomenon.  Usually, this occurs because of a chemical reaction taking place in the car’s engine. This definitely doesn’t equate to your car breaking down. The black soot coming out of the tailpipe of your vehicle is carbon…

Drive-by Wire Vs Drive-by Cable

Drive-by Wire Vs Drive-by Cable: A Comparative Analysis

Digital integration has become a key component in streamlining the engine performance of the latest car models. Two systems that stand out in this regard include the drive-by-wire and drive-by cable systems.  The choice between these two modules depends on the driver’s preference for the vehicle’s power generation. Their key differences lie in the following…

CV Joint Vs CV Axle

CV Joint Vs CV Axle – Are They the Same Thing? 

A CV joint and a CV axle are actually two very different things. However, both of these components – Both of these components can initially seem similar but have very specific differences in terms of structure and functionality. Let’s first take a look at their individual properties before explaining the differences. What Does the “CV”…

Car Exhaust Smells Sweet

Car Exhaust Smells Sweet? Here’s The Reasons and How to Fix it!

Typically, your car’s exhaust smoke should have a burnt fuel-like smell. However, the following sweet smells indicate something is wrong- Such a sweet smell coming from exhaust fumes usually means something could be wrong with the coolant liquid, also known as antifreeze.  But different variants of the sweet smell could mean different things. We have…

Cylinder 1 Misfire Car Shaking Why You Shouldn’t Ignore It

Cylinder 1 Misfire Car Shaking: Why You Shouldn’t Ignore It

Cylinder misfires usually lead to your car shaking. A cylinder misfires typically when it fails to function as it should. The misfire throws the engine off balance, which creates a vibration.  Sometimes, this vibration is powerful enough to send your car shaking. Usually, the following are considered the main cause of car shaking: In this…

Key Won’t Turn to Lock Position Here’s How You Can Fix It!

Key Won’t Turn to Lock Position? Here’s How You Can Fix It!

It’s really frustrating when you’re about to start the ignition and the key won’t even turn to lock into its position. To get it to work you can try – These are some quick fixes that usually work, but there can be deeper underlying problems that you should look at. But first, let’s look at…

Should A Water Pump Pulley Spin Freely – Everything You Need to Know!

Should A Water Pump Pulley Spin Freely? – Everything You Need to Know!

The water pump pulley is a crucial part of the cooling system of an engine. Its primary function is to transfer power from the crankshaft to the water pump. The pulley ensures energy transformation through rotational movement. If that’s the case, should a water pump pulley spin freely? Yes, the pulley shouldn’t need any external…